Cod4 Btd Zombie Mod Download
2/27/2018 admin
COD4 mod: Before The Dawn - Zombie Bot. The max download from a game server itself is about 15kbs thats a good half hour for the btd mod and any maps to download.
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So how do you play and customize As you have the mod, with your own server or locally, you have full customization on the mod. Basically player have to survive from the zombie invasion, which the mod is entirely based on. There are waves which zombies will swarm the map and try to eat you, each wave the number of zombies increase, making it harder for the player.
El Vortice Hicks Pdf To Jpg there. Between each wave, theres a grace period (when its safe and all zombies are eliminated from the wave that just took place) there are depots which spawn on the map which regenerates your ammo, and gives you time to hide somewhere else. However, if zombies kill all the players, game over!
Additionally most of the game settings are changable such as the zombies per wave; number of waves and grace time. Including much more such as zombie strength/speed. Look down to 'Changable settings' This version is an ALPHA release and not feature complete, expect bugs. Features: * Waves of angry zombies * Single Player & Custom Weapons * Custom Rank System * Ability for admins to use custom music (advised to get permission from artist first) * Custom HUD * Anti Camp System * Custom Pickup System * Custom Menu * Night / Day settings * Custom vision settings * 1st / 3rd person views * Custom Server messages and kill spree messages * differant wave settings * custom admin features (pickups, vision & nightness [Quick mock up, changes to text soon].