How To Install Windows 7 On Freedos Laptop Sale
5/1/2018 admin
Best Answer: 1.Start ur lappy. 2.Press F12 or F8 whatever that the bios screen shows to enter into Bios Settings. 3. Government Warning Paranoid Mess Rare there. Once u get in, goto Boot Priority and Change it to make first booting device as ur DVD Drive. Save and exit(usually F10 button is given for this.) 4.U gotta need a BOOTABLE windows 7 disk to install it on ur lappy. 5.Assuming that u have it, insert it in ur cd drive and restart ur laptop.
If u have done everything correct so far and the disk is bootable then it will boot from the cd and will show u a welcome screen which will guide u through the complete installation. 7.Once u got it working, it'll ask u for selecting a primary drive to install os. So u need to create partitions. Its simple to do, just delete the existing partition and then 'Create New' partition by giving the proper size, for example 50gb for C: drive, u have to specify the value in mb, so it'll be for 50gb=51200mb. 8.Format the new drive and make other drives as u wish, or just make only one other drive with the remaining space. 9.Select the C: as primary drive and continue installation.
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How do you install Windows 7 through Freedos? I am a computer technician and if you need help I can perform the. Install Windows 7. If I buy a FreeDOS laptop, how can I install Windows on. Laptop be void if I install Windows OS on FreeDOS laptop. A Lenovo DOS laptop and install Windows in.
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