Outbreak Zombie Game Simulator Racing
3/29/2018 admin
Economics Of Attention Pdf Files there. Zombie Apocalypse Racing - Survived riders arrange competitions on brutal vintage cars. Zombie Outbreak Simulator for Android now. Help us spread the word about our zombie game by using the sharing buttons on the. Share Class 3 Outbreak. Free Zombie outbreak simulator online games, Zombie Outbreak, Zombie Outbreak Beta, Zombie Survival Outbreak, Asylum Outbreak, Ef Simulator.
Controls Screen Movement: WASD or Click/Drag. Police Movement: Single click = move and stop to attack zombies. Double click = run and don't stop for zombies no matter what. Attacking: Move within range of zombies or click on them. Description Class 3 Outbreak is an RTS zombie game running on Google Maps(R). Struggle to keep the zombie infection at bay with a hopelessly outnumbered police force, squash any outbreaks that appear and keep the zombie threat level at Class 1 for as long as possible.
Protect thousands of civilians over a 1km square area in Washington DC, USA or Leicester, England. Keep an eye out for infected civilians, and make sure none find their way outside of your police unit's reach. Play More Maps! The new version of Class 3 Outbreak can now be played on, including the original and maps.
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