The Handbook Of Student Affairs Administration
5/14/2018 admin
Get this from a library! The handbook of student affairs administration. ??? ???a Vice City Deluxe 2008 Gmc. [George S McClellan; Jeremy Stringer; Margaret J Barr; National Association of Student. How can the answer be improved? - What issues and trends affect higher education and student affairs today? In this fully updated handbook, leading experts discuss the answer to this and other essential questions. They provide a definitive reference for student affairs professionals at all levels of administration and management. The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration. What issues and trends affect higher education and student affairs today?
In this fully updated handbook, leading experts discuss the answer to this and other essential questions. They provide a definitive reference for student affairs professionals at all levels of administration and management. The handbook offers specific, practical advice as well as broad approaches to planning and problem solving. It contains modernized discussions on such critical topics as institutional mission, institutional governance, understanding campus environments, finance and budgeting, assessment, program planning, staff selection, training and evaluation, and much more. McClellan is vice chancellor for student affairs at Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne.
He has served in a variety of student affairs positions at different types of higher education institutions and is the author or editor of articles, book chapters, and monographs on student affairs topics. Jeremy Stringer is the founder and current program director of the Student Development Administration Master's Program at Seattle University. His career has spanned the realms of academics and students affairs, including serving as vice president for student development and associate provost. He recently served as the national chair of the Faculty Fellows of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, is the leading voice for student affairs administration, policy, and practice and affirms the commitment of student affairs to educating the whole student and integrating student life and learning. - The Foremost Authorities on Student Affairs Address Issues Facing The Field Today The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration is a comprehensive and thoughtful resource for the field, with expert insight on the issues facing student affairs. This fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect the. The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration. The Foremost Authorities on Student Affairs Address Issues Facing The Field Today The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration is a comprehensive and thoughtful resource for the field, with expert insight on the issues facing student affairs.