Opus Chords Sans Font Undertale

Opus Chords Sans Font Undertale

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Sneaky if yah a friend. Devil if yah Ain't. Though there are always exceptions, some people even flop between the two. I am an amazing actor and passionate role-player and I have done so for nearly twelve years now. You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. Especially if I have said it.;) I have a passion for stories(well told ones they don't follow the path of predictability). If I have Fav'ed your story, it is a good story.

If I Have Fav'ed you(the author) then you are an excellent author. 'You know, That's what I love about you, boss. The firm belief that you will someday remember the things people tell you.' -Raul Tejada “I'm an open book, boss. Granted, the book's in Spanish and some of the pages have fallen out, but I'm an open book.' - Raul Tejada 'I bet Hitler hated waffles.'

- Roommate 'Really? Can you put that in a memo? And entitle it ' SHIT I ALREADY KNOW'?' - Me, chased by a Tank in L4D2, on fire 'To Fear Death, is to Fear Life, for One cannot truly Die until they have truly Lived.' - Wednesday Debates 'He who can no longer pause in wonder and stand rapt with awe, is as good as dead.' 'You know what would be fun right now?

- Me in l4d2(and then it happened) 'If your problem is not solved you clearly have not used enough fire, explosives and violence. Maybe a citrus fruit or two.' -Steam Chat, talking about waffles at 3am 'I always make sense unless the person I'm making sense to doesn't make sense of the sense I'm making. -me 'For some reason he just stared at me for five minutes, yelled 'That is why I am not a morning person' and tried to ignite the building. Vista Plastik Iletisimi Etkileyen Faktorler.

I'd say this was a dream, but I have clothes.' - 3am college ' Listen to me. NEVER give up, NEVER let someone tell you what you can and can not accomplish.

If someone tells you that it can't be done, look them in the eye and say 'To Hell with you, I will do it' If someone looks down on you for who you are, don't look back at them, look beyond them. No matter what you do in your life, march to your own drum beat, do what you really want to do. If you can look back on your life and be happy with it, then it does not matter how successful you are, for you have done more then many.'

- Gran Pop, on his deathbed and his final words to me. 'I almost got it!'

Almost gets you dead!' -Maxforce, post tank mauling 'Greatest pair of dicks' -Maxforce, in reference to me and Trios 'The only difference between a Hero and a Martyr is that the Martyr dies for their beliefs.' -Me Current Story co-Authored with Maxforce Series: Scorched Earth, Shattered Steel chronicles First Story:Also located on ArchiveOfOurOwn. Org (Same name) • • •.